25-28 June 2016 Hotel Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget****, Budapest, Hungary

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Dongping Fang (Tsinghua University, China)

fangDr. Dongping Fang is a professor and head at Dept. of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University. He is the founding director of (Tsinghua–Gammon) Construction Safety Research Center. His research, teaching and consulting are in the area of safety and risk management in construction, sustainability and green construction in which more than 200 reports, papers and books in English, Japanese and Chinese have been published.

Dongping is the vice president of CIB(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction)(2013-2016). He is the chairman of steering committee of Global Network for International Construction (GloNIC) and a member of the executive committee of GLF-CEM (Global Leadership Forum for CEM programs). He has been honored as Visiting Professors in Australia, Sweden and the UK. He also serves as member of editorial board of several international journals.


Prof. Neil Eldin (University of Houston, USA)

Clipboard01Neil Eldin is a Professor of Construction Management at the University of Houston in Texas, USA. He is a civil engineer with 30 years of experience in both industry and academia. His research interests focus on project controls, automation technologies, and building materials. He is a past Associate-Editor of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering and the National Correspondent for the ASCE-News. He received the US Presidential Service Award in 2004 for his services to the construction industry.


Ioannis Brilakis, Ph.D. (Cambridge University, UK)

brilakisDr. Ioannis Brilakis is a Laing O’Rourke Lecturer of Construction Engineering at the Division of Civil Engineering of the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. After graduating from the University of Illinois, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2005-2008) and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (2008-2012). He is the director of the Construction Information Technology (CIT) laboratory, and a recipient of the ASCE Collingwood Prize, the NSF CAREER award, the 2012 Georgia Tech Outreach Award and the 2009 ASCE Associate Editor Award. Dr. Brilakis is an author of 40 peer-reviewed journal papers and 80 conference papers, an Associate Editor of the ASCE Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE Computing in Civil Engineering, Elsevier Automation in Construction, and Elsevier Advanced Engineering Informatics Journals, a past-chair and founder of the ASCE TCCIT Data Sensing and Analysis Committee, and the chair of the TRB AFH10 (1) Information Systems in Construction Management Subcommittee. He is also the founder of PointForest Inc.


Dr. Osama Moselhi (Concordia University, Canada)

moselhiDr. Moselhi is Professor of Engineering in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University. He has over 40 years of professional and academic experience. He is Fellow of ASCE, CSCE and AACE International. Since joining Concordia in 1985, after a decade of industry experience, Dr. Moselhi supervised and co-supervised over 80 Masters and Ph.D. graduates, authored and co-authored over 350 scientific publications. His industry experience spans tall buildings, bridges, nuclear power plants, harbor and offshore facilities. He is recipient of numerous honours and awards, including the prestigious Walter Shanly Award in recognition of “outstanding contributions to the development and practice of construction engineering in Canada”. Dr. Moselhi served as international consultant on academic affairs and on construction projects in Canada, USA and the Middle East. His research interest encompasses optimized project delivery systems, planning, procurement, resource allocation, tracking and control of construction projects, with a focus on risk management, productivity analysis, management of construction claims and development of decision support systems embracing information technology, remote sensing, web-enabling and spatial technologies.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bock (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

BockThomasFoto2012The research activities of Prof. Bock (b. 1957) center on automation and robotics in construction. All stages are examined, from planning through building activity and useful life to renovation and demolition.

After studying architecture at the University of Stuttgart and the IIT in Chicago, Prof. Bock did his doctorate at the University of Tokyo. He is the director at the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction in Eindhoven, the Asian Habitat Society in Beijing and the International Institute of Construction Information in Tokyo. Prof. Bock is an advisor to the French Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Cohésion Sociale et du Logement . He is a member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences  and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus . Prof. Bock is also involved in editing “Robotica”, “Automation in Construction”, the “International Journal of Construction Innovation” and the journal “ACADEMIE”.

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Time until the conference
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Extended submission of abstracts
January 31, 2016

Notification on abstracts' acceptance
January 31, 2016

Extended submission of conference papers
March 29, 2016

Payment of early registration fee
March 29, 2016

Submission of revised papers
April 30, 2016

Cancellation without penalty
May 15, 2016

Submission of extended papers for Procedia
July 15, 2016

June 25-28, 2016