25-28 June 2016 Hotel Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget****, Budapest, Hungary

Tamás Koltai (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

koltai_tamasTamás Koltai works as professor of production and operations management at the Department of Management and Corporate Economics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since 1983. For 10 years he also taught operations management in the Business School of the Central European University as adjunct professor. He was a visiting Scholar in the Michigan Business School for one academic year, and he worked as visiting professor at the University of Seville in Spain for three year.

He has a master degree in mechanical engineering and a PhD in industrial engineering. He is head of the Production Management Group of his department. He also works as editor in chief of Periodica Polytechnica which is a scientific pier reviewed journal of the faculty of Management and Social Sciences. He was a co-editor of the Harvard Business Review Hungarian Edition between 1999 and 2010.

His research areas are cost analysis of manufacturing and service operations and mathematical modeling of manufacturing and service systems. He has a special interest in flexible manufacturing. He published several papers in the International of Production Economics, Omega, International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operational Research and in Production and Operations Management.

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Time until the conference
0 days


Extended submission of abstracts
January 31, 2016

Notification on abstracts' acceptance
January 31, 2016

Extended submission of conference papers
March 29, 2016

Payment of early registration fee
March 29, 2016

Submission of revised papers
April 30, 2016

Cancellation without penalty
May 15, 2016

Submission of extended papers for Procedia
July 15, 2016

June 25-28, 2016